Friday, February 20, 2009


I have really done it! I've practically eliminated mainstream sugar products from my food intake :D I've had this goal for as long as I can remember...maybe since like 10 years old? It's been on my list of self-improvements for all that time haha. So I finally decided to just DO it. (I've been doing that a lot lately, just DOing stuff. It's a great feeling.) So I don't really wanna know how long it's been since I stopped buying candy and stuff, because that will just spur the thought of 'wow, that's a long time...maybe it wouldn't hurt to have just a little...' haha I don' wan' that. But suffice it to say that I've kept this up for quite awhile now. It was easy to slide into because I gave myself the parameter that I would only eat stuff I'd made myself, and ice cream, haha. So limiting myself to ice cream and toffee did the trick, and now I don't even crave the REALLY sugary stuff like oreos, and skittles and all that great stuff I used to eat by the pound lol.

So to test myself on how much the craving has actually disappeared I got a double fudge walnut brownie from Marie Callendar's. I was really surprised that I didn't want it on the way home from Fresno, and even more surprised when I actually ate it today around noon that I only wanted half of it! It's like I'm indifferent to the stuff now. Pretty crazy. I was considering this fact today and thought about all kinds of sugary stuff just to see if it made my mouth water, but it really didn't have the same effect that it used to. I just don't want them anymore. But, to this end do I resign myself haha...I will ALWAYS love homemade toffee, and ice cream sandwiches.

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